
imagine my shock when i ordered pancakes for the first time in europe.

There's nothing a pancake stack can't fix, right? Heart-aches, headaches, alcohol induced-aches, the common cold (maybe that last one is a stretch) so I thought it might be just the trick to fix a sudden bout of winter-induced homesickness. It was baltic levels of freezing when my half frozen limbs and I ducked into a place that looked like it might serve breakfast. I'd just finished up my first 9 AM Introduction to Archaeology class which I was hilariously late for... (a week late to be exact, but that's another story for another time) and these pancakes were the only thing on my mind for a good two hours.

Imagine my shock.

No, go ahead... do it. Imagine my shock when my so-called pancake stack arrived. What arrived was a sad lifeless display. They were flat, tough, horrifying caricatures of pancakes. They were crepes.

So no, I didn't end up with the wondrously tall and fluffy, perfectly golden stack of pancakes I was craving (adjective overload alert) but I did end up with a lesson learned. Always make your own pancakes. Here's the gist of my sad sad lesson:

250 ml milk
125 g plain flour
1 medium egg
1.5 tbs of granulated sugar
a pinch of salt
1.5 tbs of butter, softened
4 teaspoons baking powder

And please, for goodness sake don't eat them until they're all in the oven, warmed up. I promise, the stack is worth it.